+91 7402659132


On the noteworthy date of May 14th, 2023, our intellectual property company commenced its journey with a team of five dynamic individuals. This milestone marked the genesis of our relentless pursuit to redefine the landscape of intellectual property and innovation.

Our founding team brings together a blend of expertise, experience, and a shared vision. We understood from the outset that the world of intellectual property is not just a field but a realm of possibilities waiting to be explored. With this insight, we forged ahead to establish a company that thrives on creativity, protects innovation, and empowers minds.

Central to our company’s ethos is an unyielding commitment to innovation. We firmly believe that safeguarding intellectual property is more than just legal protection; it’s a celebration of human ingenuity. Our journey’s genesis was fueled by the conviction that by nurturing innovation, we’re shaping the future.

Our suite of offerings isn’t just a catalogue of services; they’re instruments designed to orchestrate success. Right from the inception, we’ve strived to foster an ecosystem that nurtures collaboration. This synergy resonates not only within our team but also within the relationships we build with our clients, partners, and the community at large.

As we traverse this exciting path, our dedication to integrity, quality, and client satisfaction stands paramount. Each project we undertake echoes our commitment to delivering excellence that exceeds expectations. Recognizing that this journey is a collaborative effort, we’re excited to stand alongside you every step of the way.

Whether you’re seeking to safeguard your innovations or seeking a partnership that values your vision, we welcome you to explore our website. Learn more about our range of intellectual property services, meet the individuals driving our company, and delve into the principles shaping our course.

We extend our gratitude for being a part of this narrative of innovation, protection, and progress.


Who We Are

Welcome to 6S intellectual Property, a pioneering force in the realm of intellectual property protection and innovation facilitation. We are more than just a company; we are a dedicated team of experts driven by a singular mission – to empower innovators and creators to thrive in a world brimming with ideas.

Our team comprises experienced professionals with a profound understanding of intellectual property laws and practices. We recognize that every innovation is unique; our strategies are customized to meet your specific requirements.

We don't just protect ideas; we foster an environment where they can flourish, guiding you towards a path of sustainable success. In a world without borders, we offer insights and protection strategies that transcend geographical boundaries. Our track record of successful intellectual property protection speaks for itself, demonstrating our unwavering dedication to achieving tangible results for our clients. Whether you're a startup striving to protect a breakthrough invention or an established entity looking to fortify your brand, we invite you to embark on this journey with us. Let's navigate the intricate landscape of intellectual property together and transform your innovative vision into a legacy of impact.

Discover more about us, our services, and how we can be your strategic partner in safeguarding and elevating your intellectual endeavors.


What We Do

Our Essence:
At the core of our identity lies a deep-rooted commitment to safeguarding intellectual property. We understand that ideas hold the power to shape industries, economies, and societies. With this understanding, we've curated a suite of services that go beyond legal protection; they create an ecosystem where innovation flourishes.

Our Vision
Our vision is to be the guiding light for inventors, creators, and forward-thinkers, providing them with the tools and strategies they need to navigate the intricate landscape of intellectual property. We envision a world where every ingenious concept finds the protection it deserves, fostering an environment of continual growth and progress.

Our Expertise
Backed by a team of seasoned professionals, each an expert in their respective domains, we bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. From patent and trademark protection to copyright and trade secret strategies, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Our Approach
We believe that every innovation is exceptional and deserves a tailored approach. Our methodology involves delving deep into the nuances of your creation, understanding its significance, and charting a course that ensures maximum protection and market advantage.

Our Commitment:
Integrity, transparency, and client-centricity are the cornerstones of our operations. When you partner with us, you're not just a client – you're a collaborator on a journey towards securing your intellectual assets and making your mark on the world.